Thursday, October 4, 2007

To see or not to see a Psychologist!!!!

Today's news shouted from the top of their pens...."Sreesanth needs to see psychologists"...yea right! And you expect Sreesanth to come and sit in front of you while he rattles off why he feels like 'abusing', 'nailing' or being angry with all the other players in the field! In fact Sreesanth himself said he's trying to improve himself, bring changes in him, then why does he need to see a psycho when he knows he has some problem and he's trying to curb it. And for heaven's sake! He isn't some killer on the run! Tennis superstar John McEnroe, former World No.1 tennis player also had temper problems when he played, and this guy did damn well! So what's wrong when Sree does it? Yea its true if he shows this aggression as a player and I mean professionally. But should not take it on personally.

And who says the Australians are the kind gentlemen at heart or who get hurt so easily by these actions. They will get back if they have to and there are no two ways about it! And even we have seen their on-field action and I do mean 'action'! At least we have a player who does not chew his nails when he feels we will be losing out soon enough but someone who fights back!

So please leave the youngster alone and let him do his own evaluation as to what he needs to improve and I don't think there is anything wrong in him. Heck! The guy admitted he is highly (if that pleases you Mr Psychologist!) highly-aggressive!

So be aggressive Sreee...only do not take it personally be cool yet aggressive! And we love watching your actions on field!

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