Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Power of what's called Will Power!!!

You may say what's life without money, what's life without intelligence, beauty, fame, friends, love, chocolate and what not! One more thing I learnt in these past two days, is what's life without WILL POWER! Look at the word itself. The word is so huge that you need enough power to say the word as well....if you only believe in the same. If not well, then when you spell will power you may not only have the power but also you wouldn't have the will to say the same!

BIG Fm had this contest known as Chipak ke Jeeto running for three days which was not only a test for endurance but also a test for will power. How much willing are you to give - either its to prove yourself or to get something that you have been aiming for. And these contestants stood there fighting against each and every odds that came across their way.

What they taught me, is that you don't have to be built to fight, the situation itself moulds you in such a way that you can create miracles. You can create magic only if you want to do it. And its your unconcious that prepares you to do that. Your concious will always tell you that you are perhaps may not be able to do just stay out of it. What feeds you with that power is - your own unconcious mind. We do things which we do not think that we will do it. It just happens.

And then that happiness is enough to tell you that you have emerged a winner out of all the odds. And what matters is yourself and nothing else. As the famous line goes, when you try to do something, the whole universe unites with you to fulfill that one dream that you have. But apart from the Universe what you also need is - WILL POWER...

Powerfully yours :)

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