Sunday, August 31, 2008

Itch....Tch....I really want to do something....

You know sometimes there is that itch....a bit of discomfort, restlessness, etc...a need to do something...but you get so agitated that you don't know where to go- what to do and above all how to do... Off late I have realised I have become very restless - there seems to be a certain kind of unrest in my mind...really confused and well...most importantly - How do I get out of here???

There are loads of things you want to do - you list them down too. But you know how a human mind fuctions, the day we get involved with our usual work - we forget what we wanted, what our heart desired, and where do we exactly want to go.

We have sort of become slaves to work, to time - I know many writers, great philosophers have written about this - but I sort of cannot get out of it...the time when I took break did I realise I can go to work without actually putting my heart or being emotionally attached to it...but its all the same. I mean then work takes over us, and we become slaves again...coz we carry the same work home. And the stupidest excuse we give to ourselves is well, its work, you just cannot put it off...yeah really??? so dedicated...this is a foolish satisfaction that we give to our heart...convincing ourselves emotionally...

Someday they seriously need to introduce a Nobel Prize for working like a dog or a donkey...whatever they find suits better...probably coz there is less of that bunch...and perhaps more of them...again human psychology rules... We think we are the only 'person' doing it...nobody else will be able to do it...than ME...

Phew...again the mind diverts, travels its own journey, comes back to square one and then wanders off....till it finds the right track....

Am find that find yours....ever became successful do let me dying to know that myself...

Will write a book someday on the same....

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