Saturday, November 29, 2008


Why is it that we always tend to call up people who we have had very bad fights? Or that things have ended on a rather sour note? Why is there a burning need to call up that very person to ask how is he? And then later on regret doing that very thing??? And its not very womanly or manly to do that - but I guess because sometimes or people like me are so sensitive or so overwhelmed that we come to the fact that - Hey its ok if we call up that very person whom we had a nasty fight with coz he will surely understand and things will be alright!

If only we lived in that sort of Picture Perfect World that our mind wants us to create!

Probably there wouldnt have been break-ups and misunderstandings - no miscommunication - Nothing! You would just have had to ask the other guy - hey you do understand na??

They say let bygones be bygones! Sometimes I wish I was a river - flowing through leaving everything behind and excited to see what lies ahead of me! I do not completely think its my fault - but I wanted to make that call and I suffered the consequences which I know only the best!

How many times while taking a shower (oh yes the bathroom is the perfect place to make yourself understood for your own good) but no after the shower or after visiting the bathroom I guess forget it and well do what you always wanted to do!

Being determined is one thing but there is a fine line between determine and obsession that if one crosses could only meet with his untimely (not death) but wrecking apart his self respect which is more important!

Always bitten and not even once shy! If I could say and curse myself for why in the world did I ever go ahead and make that call.

The only thing I want for myself is that I learn my lessons (sooner the better) and not keep failing (am not afraid of the failure) am just tired of making people understand to know the real ME! The more I make myself understood to them - deeper I fall in the ditch - its like a trap that I have set for myself.....

Till then am hoping that the next blog I write does not consist of another untimely call!

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