Friday, June 13, 2008

Well, It sure wasn't me......

How many times have you been caught by your bosses doing nothing wrong, but they feel that you are upto something - lets use the word -'wrong'??? How many times have you done your work like you really really really care and then have also got scolded for the same stupid thing??? I mean when its done, people just don't care thinking well, it isn't done....and when you do it, they just raise their arms and shrug and say - 'BIG DEAL'.... and this time it wasn't my fault.

Am sure many of you might or may (and 100% must have been on such a situation) where your bosses always want to probe or prod or whatever - till now I haven't been much in the limelight...and as you know when you are not there - you feel - 'Oh, maybe am not important', strange how one situation where your boss questioning you makes you feel like - 'Why me?' - strange case of a human mind no doubt.

Anywayz so I was been questioned, again questioned...and when there was no conclusion - I was been told to meet - well I went down for a walk (not that there was anything to do with the walk) but still went some books (realised that BATMAN is good to read - now that sure is stored at the back of my mind) and then came back...and am still SULKING...and am very much still SULKING...sheesh when will this stupid habit of mine go...I mean if am right what do I have to care in this world???

But yea...the fear lurks behind this mind, at the same point of time there is that confidence that the mind is trying to build...

Let it build it all... Will let you know of the OUTCOME...the end result of the same.

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